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SME PRACTITIONER DAYS „Responsible Supply Chains – Reporting on Sustainability“

The Practitioner Days are a series of regional one-day-conferences to bring together representatives from small and medium-sized enterprises. Implementing responsible supply chains and sustainability reporting are increasingly important issues for companies of all sizes. The conferences aim to discuss opportunities, challenges and adequate strategies, to showcase good practices and to foster exchange of experience between business practitioners.

About the Practitioner Days

Companies of all sizes are facing rising expectations regarding responsible supply chain management and transparent reporting on environmental and social issues – from business partners and consumers as well as from public authorities and legislation.

Most companies are already committed to activities at the overlap of societal and business interest, e.g. through apprenticeships and staff training, environmental management and community investment. A significant number of companies is also on the way to integrate their Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability efforts into their core business strategies and day-to-day operations, as they consider it an investment in their own competitiveness. The SME Practitioner Days show possibilities to meet these challenges and give advice on how to cope with the new expectations.

Background: In 2015, the G7 Heads of State and Government agreed upon important steps towards the implementation of global labour, social and environmental standards. Additionally, an EU-Directive will oblige certain companies to disclose non-financial information on social and environmental issues from 2017 onwards.

In view of these developments, UPJ and econsense jointly organize a series of regional one-day-conferences. The project is co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. These Practitioner Days inform about key issues and the latest developments regarding responsible supply chains and sustainability reporting. They also foster exchange of experience between business practitioners on opportunities, challenges and adequate strategies.

In addition, a series of webinars, a project website and a practical guidance document provide further support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Event highlights

Speaker statements, presentation slides and photos of the Practitioner Days are available in German.

Project partner

The Practitioner Days are jointly organized by UPJ and econsense and are co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

UPJ e.V. – Network for CSR and Corporate Citizenship

UPJ is the German national network of engaged businesses and local non-profit intermediary organizations. Its projects and programmes create new connections between businesses, civil society organizations and public authorities thus contributing to solve societal challenges and to shape sustainable communities. UPJ, a registered charity under German law, provides organizations from the business, community and public sectors with information and consultancy to improve their Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility activities.

Contact person

Caroline Zamor
Project Manager

Fon: +49 30 2787 406-18
Email: caroline.zamor@upj.de

econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business e.V.

econsense is an association of leading, globally active companies and organisations of German business specializing in the area of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Founded in 2000 on the initiative of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the goal of econsense is to provide a dialogue platform and think tank, with the dual objectives of advancing sustainable development in business and assuming social responsibility.

Contact person

Beate Breidbach
Management Assistant

Fon: +49 30 2028 1474
Email: b.breidbach@econsense.de

German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

The German Federal Government has been promoting corporate social responsibility for many years. Implementing responsible supply chains and meeting due diligence requirements is a key focus of the National CSR Policy of the German Federal Government. In order to help small and medium-sized enterprises in particular to rise to their responsibility and to overcome hurdles the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs supports the Practitioner Days „Responsible Supply Chains – Reporting on Sustainability“.

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is the lead ministry within the Federal Government in charge of CSR.

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